Hillary moves her audience into action. She is not afraid to expose her life so that audiences can see that we are more alike than different and that we are all here to support each other. She has spoken at many organizations, schools, and churches.

“A Phenomenal Speaker

Widza C Robinson, Ed.D, Alpha Academy

Alpha Academy had the pleasure of having Hillary Drummond Simpson address our parents at our Parent Connection Breakfast on August 20, 2016. She was more than motivational but inspirational and energizing. She provided insights, strategies and tools of success that will keep our youth on the path to success. Ms. Simpson was very genuine and practical. Her message was tailored to her audience; therefore, she immediately connected to both parents and staff. I began implementing her strategies with my students and was very encouraged by the positive outcome. A phenomenal speaker!
Thank You Ms. Simpson! Your expertise and insight is invaluable.
Widza C Robinson, Ed. D
Instructional Lead Teacher
Alpha Academy


“I strongly recommend her to speak in every church pulpit…”

Pastor Mercy Oduah, Good News Temple

Good News Temple Church had the privilege of hearing Ms. Simpson speak about the lives of young Black Men in America. The church was blessed by her inspiring words and the message that God has given her concerning young black men. Her message ministered to every parent in the church as they gained new parental skills. Ms. Simpson has a mandate and passion towards our young black men. Her book,” How to Become a Successful Black Man” is a must read for everyone. I strongly recommend her to speak in every church pulpit because the church has the power to change the world. Knowledge is power!
Pastor Mercy Oduah, Good News Temple, Conyers, GA


Dr. Clover Hall Chair, Cultural Committee, Atlanta Jamaica Cultural Association Inc.

In honor of Father’s Day 2016, Hillary gave an engaging, interactive and thought-provoking presentation based on, and interspersed with excerpts from, her book “How to Become a Successful Black Man: The Men Tell Their Story. The audience was thrilled and very informed about The Importance of Fatherhood…She is not afraid to use examples from her own life to make a point. She is indeed a dynamic and passionate speaker!